Seong-Hoon Hwang
Ph.D. Candidate
McGill University
Department of Civil Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Dimitrios G. Lignos
Contact Information:
Address: Macdonald Engineering Building, Room 165
817 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec H3A 0C3, CANADA
email address
Interests and Current Research:
Earthquake Engineering
Seismic Risk Management
Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering
Seismic Retrofit of Structural Systems
B.Sc., Hanyang University, Korea, February 2009
Department of Architectural Engineering
M.Sc., Hanyang University, Korea, February 2009
Department of Architectural Engineering
M.Sc., Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, December 2011
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ph.D., McGill University, Canada, 2013-till now
Department of Civil Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Dimitrios G. Lignos
Han, S.-W., Moon, K.-H., Hwang, S.-H., Stojadinovic, B. (2012). “Rotation capacities of reduced beam section with bolted web (RBS-B) connections.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 70, 256–263.
Hwang, S.-H., Han, S. W., Kang, K.-B., and Moon, K.-H., “Seismic performance evaluation of the steel intermediate moment frame systems with RBS with bolted web.” 7th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (7CUEE) & 5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering (5ICEE), March 3–5, 2010, Tokyo, Japan.
Moon, K.-H., Han, S. W., Hwang, S.-H., and Lee, S. J. “Evaluation of rotation capacity for reduced beam section with bolted web.” 7th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (7CUEE) & 5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering (5ICEE), March 2010, Tokyo, Japan.
Hwang, S.-H., Choi, B.-G., Moon, K.-H., and Han, S.-W. “New procedure for estimating the moment strength of reduced beam section connections with bolted webs.” The 5th International Symposium on Steel Structures (ISSS), March 12–14, 2009, Seoul, Korea, 447–454.