Omar AbdelAziz Ibrahim
Ph.D. Candidate
McGill University
Department of Civil Engineering
Advisor(s): Prof. Dimitrios G. Lignos & Prof. Colin A. Rogers
Contact Information:
Address: Macdonald Engineering Building, Room 165
817 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec H3A 0C3, CANADA
email address
Current Research Summary:
My research involves coordinated analytical and experimental studies related to the effects
of the welding procedures on the residual stresses of heavy build-up steel columns.
My ultimate goal is to develop a reliability-based framework to evaluate the crack initiation in heavy build-up assemblies.
B.Sc., Alexandria University, Egypt, June 2008
Department of Civil Engineering
M.Sc., Alexandria University, Egypt, June 2011
Department of Civil Engineering
Ph.D., McGill University, Canada, 2012-till now
Department of Civil Engineering
Advisor(s): Prof. Dimitrios G. Lignos & Prof. Colin A. Rogers
Ibrahim, O.A., Lignos, D.G., Rogers, C.A. (2013). “Estimation of Residual Stresses in Thick Steel Plates due to Welding Through Finite Element Simulation,” Proceedings Canadian Society of Civil Engineering (CSCE),
3rd Specialty Conference on Material Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Montreal, Quebec, May 29th-June 1st 2013