Dynamic Stability of Special Moment Resisting Frames Designed with Deep Members
Researchers: Ahmed Elkady
Project Sponsors: National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Steel Structures Education Foundation (SSEF)
The current steel construction design practice in North America concentrates the lateral seismic resisting systems of steel
structures into their perimeter. Such frames are expected to provide sufficiently large inelastic deformations in the case of
a seismic event. This research project will determine explicitly performance design parameters such as the weak-beam-strong-column
ratio in order to achieve a tolerable probability of collapse of Special Moment Frames during extreme seismic events.
As part of this evaluation, the contributions from various structural components should be considered and simulated carefully. In particular, the composite slab effect and the
contribution of the gravity framing on the overall performance of Special Moment Frames through collapse needs to be considered. Of particular interest is
the evaluation of the cyclic behaviour under combined lateral deformations and axial load demands of deep slender columns that interact with
typical pre-qualified connections that are currently employed in Special Moment Frames.
Collapse Assessment of Steel Moment Resisting Frames Designed with High Yield Ratio Steel Columns
Researchers: Yusuke Suzuki
Project Sponsors: Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, Japan
In today’s steel construction, buildings are characterized by progressively increasing
height, larger spans and in general increasing design complexity. Therefore, larger and
larger Hollow Steel Section (HSS) and W-shape steel columns are typically used in Japan
and North America, respectively, in order to satisfy the specified strength and drift
requirements imposed by the current seismic provisions. In order, to expand the range of
choices for efficient and highly robust seismic design, the use of high yield ratio steel is
on high demands since it can lead to a significant weight reduction and at the same time increase
the collapse margins of a steel MRF during an extreme earthquake. The main objective of this project
is to develop recommendations for design against collapse for steel moment resisting frames designed
with various types of low and high yield ratio columns in highly seismic regions.
Selected Publications:
Elkady, A., Lignos, D.G. (2013). “Effect of Composite Action on the Dynamic Stability of Special Steel Moment Resisting Frames Designed in Seismic Regions,” Proceedings ASCE Structures Congress, May 2nd-4th, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, SEI institute.
Lignos, D. G., Hikino, T., Matsuoka, Y., Nakashima, M. (2013). “Collapse Assessment of Steel Moment Frames Based on E-Defense Full-Scale Shake Table Collapse Tests", ASCE, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 139 (1), 120-132.
Elkady, A., Lignos, D.G. (2012). “Dynamic Stability of Deep Slender Steel Columns as Part of Special MRFs Designed in Seismic Regions: Finite Element Modeling", Proceedings First International Conference on Performance-Based and Life-Cycle Structural Engineering (PLSE), Hong Kong (invited paper, Collapse Mini-simposium).
Lignos, D.G., Hikino, T., Matsuoka, Y., Nakashima, M. (2013). “Collapse Assessment of Steel Moment Frames Based on E-Defense Full-Scale Shake Table Collapse Tests", ASCE, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 139 (1), 120-132.
Lignos, D.G., Krawinkler, H. (2011). “Deterioration Modeling of Steel Components in Support of Collapse Prediction of Steel Moment Frames under Earthquake Loading", ASCE, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 137 (11), 1291-1302.
Lignos, D.G., Krawinkler, H., Whittaker, A. S. (2011). “Prediction and Validation of Sidesway Collapse of Two Scale Models of a 4-Story Steel Moment Frame”,Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, EESD, Vol. 40 (7), 807-825.
Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H., Ibarra L. F., Lignos, D.G. (2009). “Basic Concepts and Performance Measures in Prediction of Collapse of Buildings under Earthquake Ground Motions”, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings Journal, Vol. 19 (1-2), 167-181.