Welding Procedures for High Strength and Heavy Build-up Columns
Researchers: Omar Ibrahim, Violetta (Evelina) Nikolaidou
Collaborators: Prof. Colin A. Rogers (McGill University), Carolyn Hanson (ADF Group), Denis Daronco (DPHV), Martin Frappier (DPHV)
Project Sponsors: ADF Group Inc., DPHV Structural Consultants, National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
The proposed research directed towards improving the state of knowledge,
design and detailing provisions of welded assemblies that utilize thick plates, heavy rolled sections
and high strength W-shape columns. The steel industry has experienced difficulties in applying
existing design procedures and have found potential performance issues with pre-qualified beam-to-column connections and welded assemblies.
The recent fabrication of heavy steel plate build-up box columns that utilize 75mm thick steel plates and high strength W-shape columns with doubler plates resulted in a significant
number of cracked members that had to be scrapped and refabricated. The fractures occurred in
the complete absence of service load, and were instead caused by either shrinkage stresses
or by residual stresses on the thermally cut surface. Research to develop detailed recommendations on how to weld these heavy shapes
is needed for different steel grades since their use is on the rise due to seismic and
blast-resistant design in North America and around the world.
Selected Publications:
Ibrahim, O.A., Lignos, D.G., Rogers, C.A. (2013). “Estimation of Residual Stresses in Thick Steel Plates due to Welding Through Finite Element Simulation,” Proceedings Canadian Society of Civil Engineering (CSCE), 3rd Specialty Conference on Material Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Montreal, Quebec, May 29th-June 1st 2013.
Nikolaidou, V., Rogers, C.A., Lignos, D.G. (2013). “Finite Element Modeling of Welding Procedures in High Strength W-Shapes,” Proceedings Canadian Society of Civil Engineering (CSCE), 3rd Specialty Conference on Material Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Montreal, Quebec, May 29th-June 1st 2013.